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SYNOPSIS - create a CSV file of all Links from a pop

USAGE --location=pop_name --date=query-date --output=filename
location → POP Location (Pop Name)
date → the query-date default is today
outout → name of the output file, default ist stdout
help → this message
version → Version Info


POP Location (Pop Name)

the query-date default is today

name of the output file, default ist stdout

--help | -i
this page :)

--version | -v
Print the version and revision of this program


There could be some more bugs. If you find one (or more) please report it to bugs

This program is Copyright (C) 2005…2011 by Ueli Heuer.

It is licensed under the terms of the GPL.

manpage/dvg_pop_cust.txt · Last modified: 2011/12/04 19:22 by Ueli Heuer
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