The home of the Device Value Grapher DVG

This is the Homepage of Device Value Grapher - DVG.
Device Value Grapher (DVG) is a statistics tool based on Tobias Oetiker's RRDtool. You need a web server (Apache) with PHP, Mysql and Perl installed under Debian GNU/Linux in order to generate and deliver the pages. (Other platforms could work but I didn't test it).

We hope Device Value Grapher DVG is as useful for you as it is for us!

The current release is 0.9.4. You can download it from our GitLab server.

The next release will be 0.9.5. You can see the plans for this release on the roadmap. At the moment there is no planed release date. If you need some features add comments to appropriate task in the Bug tracking system, add a new task or send a mail to the mailling lists.


Some screenshots are on the screenshots page


The design of DVG is described in the design index page.

The installation of DVG is (not yet) described in the installation pages.

The man pages of the programmers are listed in the manpage index page.

Some probes are described in the probes index page.

You like to help?

If you like to help please have a look at the Bug tracking system and subscribe to the mailling lists.

You may check out the Roadmap from our Bug tracking system.

index.txt · Last modified: 2019/03/23 09:47 by Ueli Heuer
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