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docu:php_rrdtool [2012/05/28 20:25] – created Ueli Heuerdocu:php_rrdtool [2012/05/28 20:40] (current) Ueli Heuer
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 +====== PHP Extesion php_rrdtool ======
 +The most important key for the **DVG** is the php_rrdtool extension. 
 +The original can be found at the [[http://oss.oetiker.ch/rrdtool/|rrdtool homepage]] from [[http://tobi.oetiker.ch/hp/|Tobi Oetiker]] at the [[http://oss.oetiker.ch/rrdtool/pub/contrib/|Download Contrib ]] directory. 
 +Unfortuanly the file doesn't compile any more with php 5.3 or later. I've put {{:docu:php_rrdtool_php54.tar.gz|a fixed copy of the extension}} on these page. Just download it and following the instructions in the [[http://cvs.maillink.ch/cgi/viewvc.cgi/php_rrdtool/php_rrdtool/INSTALL?revision=1.1&view=co|INSTALL ]] File.
 +If you like to see the diff you can have a look at the [[http://cvs.maillink.ch/cgi/viewvc.cgi/php_rrdtool/php_rrdtool/|viewcvs]] page.
 +{{tag>doku php_rrdtool}}
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